Alprofos: high-protein
Every llama and alpaca is unique, as are their protein needs. With Alprofos, you can easily adapt the protein intake to the animal’s current requirement. This requirement depends on a wide range of factors, such as gender, age, growth phase, pregnancy, milk production and so on...but also the season and quality of the grass consumed by the animal.
It is no coincidence that the main ingredient in Alprofos is alfalfa. Alfalfa is a high-fibre roughage, unlike the starchy grain products that are often used. In itself, alfalfa has a poor calcium to phosphorous ratio, resulting in slow growth and weaker bones in animals. We corrected that ratio in Alprofos, so that crias grow optimally and reach sexual maturity more quickly!
Alprofos and Alpamin? The perfect combination!
By giving each type of alpaca feed a different focus, we can better respond to the specific needs of each individual animal. A pregnant or lactating dam and a weaned cria, for instance, need a lot more protein than a sire or gelding. The dose of Alprofos is increased, while the Alpamin supplement remains the same. This way, the animals do not consume excessive amounts of vitamins and minerals and stay in optimal health! The two pellets are of the same size and can be easily combined.

alfalfa, wheat middlings, barley, linseed, sunflower meal, isomaltulose molasses, sodium chloride, calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, linseed oil, monocalcium phosphate
The feeding quantity of Alprofos is highly dependent on the nutritional status and individual needs of the animal.
Always provide unrestricted access to grass and/or hay.
Maximum 4g per kg body weight
Always give in addition to Alpamin
an adult alpaca has three stomachs? As a cria grows, it consumes more and more roughage and the first stomach compartment (C1) gradually develops. In this stomach compartment, stomach bacteria convert dietary fibres into volatile fatty acids, the main energy source for alpacas and llamas.